Lead Pastors

Toby and Patty Mitchell

Toby and Patty are the Lead Pastors of Access Church Spokane. Their desire is for you to encounter the presence of God, acquire a love for the Word of God and be built up by the body of Christ.  They believe the foundation of the church starts at home. Their heart is to walk beside you through the journey of creating a  healthy family and Christ centered home.  Jesus stated in Matt.16:16-18 “upon this rock, I will build my church”.  They believe that “rock” is Jesus Christ.  

Pastors Toby and Patty launched Access Church in 2011. Access Church is currently under the covering of Renaissance Coalition based out of Seattle Revival Center and Pastor Darren Stott. Both Toby and Patty have been ordained as pastors through Renaissance Coalition. Pastor Toby was previously a youth and college pastor in Deer Park, WA for 9 years.

